Cooking Together

I have discovered that one of my favorite things in my current relationship is when we cook together. I don’t know what it is, but there is something very intimate and comfortable in standing in the kitchen together, stirring and whisking and tasting and baking.  

In my previous relationship, my spouse held a night shift and had for the last 2 years of our relationship. Then I was single for another year, so sharing dinner with a partner is something that I haven’t done regularly for several years.  I would be lying if I said that the nights where we have all 4 children with us are as relaxing as the evenings we have alone, but there really is something to be said for a shared table. 

One of my first major dates with Le Boy was a Saturday morning/afternoon hike followed by cooking up crab legs and fettuccine alfredo and salad at my place. I had never made crab before – it was delicious and turned out perfectly. We’ve made pastas together and tried new recipes, hoping for crowd pleasers amongst the under 10 crowd. 

I do have to confess that Le Boy is a much better, and tidier, cook than I am. He is far more creative and can pull a pasta sauce together out of whatever ingredients are nearby whereas  I am much more inclined to pick up that jar of premade sauce. He has drawn out more adventure in me when it comes to food. He convinced me to try sushi, and I didn’t even hate it. 

This past weekend he has been experimenting with all sorts of meat (moose roast, moose sausage, steaks) and the dehydrator and has been whipping up batches of jerky that tastes delicious. 

I am hoping to get us signed up for a cooking class in the new year – but I think I need it far more than he does!

Long story short – if you’re trying to boost your relationship, try mixing things up in the kitchen. 

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